Composition and Distribution of PFAS

Work Package 2 maps the nature and extent of PFAS contamination within the project area. Based on the available results and specific data needs, we will create an area-wide monitoring plan. The monitoring plan includes measurements in surface water, groundwater, sediment, soil, and biota. We measure both in plants and in various land and water organisms. In addition to PFAS, other relevant substances such as PCBs, PAHs, heavy metals, and organochlorine pesticides are also analysed. We unlock the results in DOV's PFAS explorer and provide the necessary input for further LIFE PFASTER work packages. 

Project area description 

Initially, we will look at available data within the three sub-areas, namely “Former industrial site”, “Fabrieksloop” and “Broek de Naeyer”. Based on the measurement results already available and the specific data needs, we look at what additional monitoring is needed to get a good picture of the contamination present. 


We use innovative analytical techniques, such as non-target screening, to get an overview of the amount of PFAS compounds in the project area. Additionally, we also measure the ecotoxicity of the present PFAS compounds in surface water and sediment. The results are made available in the PFAS explorer and will form the necessary input for the further work packages of LIFE PFASTER. 

Expected results 

  • Insight into the nature and extent of PFAS contamination in the project area 
  • Monitoring plan with measurement results already available and data needs to be completed  
  • “Fingerprint” of PFAS contamination  
  • Ecotoxicological assessment of PFAS contamination in surface water and water bottom   
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