Evaluation and Scale-up

In this work package, we summarise the results of work packages 2, 3 in a conceptual site model for all relevant environmental compartments (soil, sediment, groundwater and surface water) and the aquatic and terrestrial food chains. In addition, we evaluate the results of several field pilot tests of remediation techniques from work package 4. We also collect lessons learned from work packages 2, 3 and 4. The ultimate goal of work package 5 is to use the results of work packages 2, 3 and 4 to develop a systematic area-based remediation approach for the Willebroek study area that can also be used for other areas with diffuse PFAS contamination.

Project area description

The systemic area-based remediation approach will be developed for the entire Willebroek study area and thus includes the three sub-areas, ‘former industrial site’, ‘Factory Run and surroundings’ and ‘Broek de Naeyer’. 


For the conceptual site model (CSM), a geographic information system will be used and, as much as possible, which will be connected to the existing Willebroek explorer data management system. The CSM assumes the widely used source -> path-> receptor/object approach.   
To evaluate the applied remediation techniques, we use a qualitative/semi-quantitative multi-criteria analysis assessing the following main criteria:  
  • Sustainability and ecological footprint (including biodiversity loss) 
  • Applicability   
  • Costs  
The systematic area-based remediation approach for the Willebroek study area will be developed using the following components: 
  • Conceptual site model (result WP 2 and 3)  
  • Integral risk reduction of: 
    • Human health risks (current/future land use)  
    • Leaching/dispersion to ground and surface water  
    • Ecological risks to the different aquatic and terrestrial food chains  
  • Effective remediation techniques (technically feasible, sustainable, cost-effective and scalable) 

Expected results 

  • Conceptual site model for diffuse PFAS contamination in soil, sediment and transfer in aquatic and terrestrial food chains 
  • Lessons learned from research on the occurrence of diffuse PFAS contamination and transfer of PFAS through the soil, sediments, aquatic and terrestrial food chains  
  • Evaluation of different remediation techniques (including different nature-based techniques) for diffuse PFAS contaminants  
  • Systematic area-based remediation approach for diffuse PFAS contamination in the Willebroek study area which can also be used for other areas with diffuse PFAS contamination. 
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