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OVAM is the agency of the Flemish government that ensures that in Flanders we deal with waste, materials and soil in a thoughtful and environmentally conscious way. It gives direction to policy on waste, materials and soil and thus influences the implementation of legislation. OVAM coordinates the Life PFASTER project. 
For current and future generations in Flanders, the VMM strives to:  
  • achieve healthy air,  
  • guide the adaptation of our environment to climate change,  
  • guarantee clean, attractive and sufficient water.   
The VMM coordinates the integrated water policy in Flanders. We play a role in the various steps of the policy process (measuring, planning, taking action, evaluating).   Within LIFE PFASTER, VMM coordinates work package 2 on monitoring and analyses water and sediment samples, among other things.  
INBO is the Flemish government's independent research institute that underpins and evaluates biodiversity policy and management through applied scientific research, data and knowledge disclosure.  INBO's contribution to crucial initiatives, such as the European Water Framework Directive, the Eel Monitoring Network and the Otter Species Protection Plan, makes them one of the leading experts on habitat restoration. INBO provides expertise on in-situ ecotoxicological risk assessment and trophic transfer of PFAS and other persistent organic pollutants. INBO will conduct monitoring of the biota to assess the distribution of PFAS (and other pollutants) across the area of interest. The results will be combined to show how these pollutants accumulate, ultimately affecting higher trophic levels, including humans and vulnerable indicator species, such as otters. 
VITO is an independent research organisation dedicated to the acceleration of sustainable development. Its experts in remediation technology for contaminated sites will carry out physical-chemical groundwater remediation and investigate the removal and destruction of PFAS from groundwater with cold plasma. VITO will apply a new analytical method to analyse PFAS by first screening environmental samples with DART-MS and then applying the nontarget analysis method (with LC-HRMS) to groundwater samples to identify which PFAS substances may be present beyond those included in the standard analytical package for target analysis. 
Novobiom is an expert in fungal biotechnology and delivers bioremediation and waste upcycling solutions to the soil and chemical sectors. Applying their expertise in exploiting fungal metabolism via modeling and at scale fungal production, Novobiom designs and implements innovative fungal-based bioremediation approaches for the treatment of contaminated industrial soil and waste. Within the Life PFASTER project, Novobiom's experts are implementing various fungal-bioremediation (mycoremediation) strategies to tackle PFAS contamination of soil, water and biomass. The most efficient fungal bioremediation strategies will be assessed at lab scale prior to their deployment onsite (field pilots)
Bio2Clean (BE) is a commercial spin-off of Hasselt University and responsible for the sustainable soil and groundwater remediation. They offer a very wide range of services: from feasibility studies to the full implementation of a soil remediation operation through phytoremediation. Within Life PFASTER project, Bio2Clean's experts will implement phytoremediation techniques for the removal of PFAS from soil. 
KU Leuven's Department of Soil and Water Management provides expertise in soil analyses, pot trials, isotope studies, ageing studies and modelling pollutant uptake and transport in the soil. KU Leuven investigates plant-soil interactions and improves plant uptake models through pot ageing tests and undisturbed column tests with PFAS-contaminated soil. 
Envisan is an expert in soil and groundwater remediation and environmental dredging using sediment treatment. Among other things, Envisan is specialised in the treatment of contaminated soil (including PFAS) through the process of soil remediation. Envisan will contribute to the development of in situ soil and groundwater flushing and the preparation of pilot tests of both techniques. 
The Technical Advisory Office of the Union of Water Boards (TAUW) is a certified soil and groundwater consultancy offering technical expertise and process-related experience in all aspects of sustainable remediation. TAUW contributes to knowledge development and sharing through participation in various EU research projects and as an active member in international knowledge networks. With its extensive experience in managing and supervising soil remediation projects, TAUW contributes mainly to the evaluation of results and design for systemic remediation approach on a regional scale in Willebroek. TAUW's experts are also involved in the implementation of innovative remediation techniques for their experience in supervising ex-situ and in-situ remediation. 
As site manager, the Province of Antwerp (PA) has extensive knowledge about the plants, fauna and fungi of the pilot areas, as well as its visitors. With its extensive network, PA plays an important role in communicating about the project. It has experience in managing historical contamination of the sites and contributes to the evaluation of the pilot projects plus the communication to residents and visitors.  As a partner in the EU Interreg program ‘Otter over de grens’ with partners in Flanders and the Netherlands, special attention is given to cross-pollination between the two projects. 
The ECOSPHERE division of the University of Antwerp (UA - BE) has extensive knowledge and expertise on both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Its research focuses on acquiring fundamental and applied knowledge in to support environmental management decisions. ECOSPERE studies the relative importance of different exposure routes and the effects of environmental conditions on the bioavailability, accumulation, and toxicity of emerging inorganic (metals) and organic pollutants including PFAS. ECOSPHERE contributes to, among others, sampling and analysis of biota samples for the baseline monitoring plan, for the distribution of PFAS in the area and in the terrestrial and aquatic food chain, and for phytoremediation. 
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